Tuesday, October 29, 2013

G-Hawker Magazine

John - The Fall 2013 issue of G-Hawker Magazine arrived today.  We found several items regarding you...

Cover of the G-Hawker...
 This is the University of Kansas -  Department of Geology's informational magazine resource for Alumni and Friends

Your major professor's (Stephen T. Hasiotis) column - mentioning your come-back...

This is the section on recently awarded degrees from the Department of Geology.

Apprently, an Honors Banquet was held in May - and YOU were recognized with the Erasmus Haworth Honor Award for Outstanding Master's Student.  Of course, yall were in Australia by that time.  They listed you as Johnathon W. Counts.

Well - congratulations from your family on all of these recognitions and honors.  It really was a great come-back to complete the thesis and successfully defend it after going to work with Encana.  I know of many students who just never finish that last - important step, after starting their career.  You certainly are to be commended for that!  

Thanks to everyone who encouraged you in this time - I am sure that Shelagh deserves a lot of credit here. 

Hope all is well in Adelaide!

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