Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Trip Map

Got the GPS data back...just FYI here is the route we took on the last trip  (in pink). Park boundary in green.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Bad luck on the trip.  Coming down from the Strzelecki track in the north the "road" was pretty bad.  Hadn't been used in a while and the creeks had washed parts away.  Kathryn was not worried as she is well experienced in this type of off road driving.  She has been doing fieldwork in remote areas for over a decade.  Got tangled in some fence wire around the axel then got two flat tires, one almost at the end.  Finally made it to a good road and to the place we wanted to camp.  Had 2 spares so we had used both of them.  Set up camp and made food, then noticed another tire was flat- it had a slow leak.  In the morning we called the nearest mechanic in Copley on the satellite phone, who could not understand where we were and was giving us a hard time.  Called the office and had another geo make a map with our coordinates.  Emailed the map to the mechanic and they came to deliver another spare 4 hours later.  Guy that came out was a former outback cop and said we were among the best prepared he had seen- 2 GPS units, tons of batteries, water, food, sat phone, nightly check ins, etc.  We were never lost- knew exactly where we were the whole time, and it was easy to communicate coordinates with everyone.  Stayed in Copley campground and next day got the spares fixed and got a lecture from the head mechanic, who said he put all the tires at 40 psi and not to change them.  You are definitely supposed to lower the pressure for rough driving though.  Headed back out to Gammon Ranges NP and got a little ways down the 4WD track.  Stopped to check the tires- 2 at 40, one at 35, one at 30.  We weren't sure if they were leaking slowly again, or not fixed right, or just weren't fully inflated, but didn't want to have to call the jerk mechanic again so we didn't take any chances and headed back after we filled up the tires with the air compressor.  They stayed at 40 back to Leigh Creek so we figured they had just not filled them up all the way, which was annoying cause we could have gone on.  At that point it was too late to do anything else so we just headed back to Adelaide. 

Didn't get to do any field work but did get to see some rocks and learned a lot about which roads to take.  Going back in 2 weeks- this time it should be really easy since we won't take that one road that caused all the problems.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

John's Recon Trip To Flinder's Ranges

Information for Family / Friends
This week (September 7- 13, 2013) John along with his Major Professor and another researcher from a university in Western Australia  are making a scouting trip thru the area where he will conduct research and field work for his doctorial project.  This is generally in the Flinder's Ranges which encompasses at least 1 National Park.  I have included his maps to show the general and specific areas where they will be working.   A much longer trip will be made later depending upon what all they find this time.  They are looking for specific areas to study certain fossils.

They are checking in with Shelagh every evening.  In the event they do not check in, she has to call in the cavalry.

                                          Successive Days - Arkaroola Village

                                          Mount Frome

Day 1: Sunday 8th September 2013
Kathryn, John and Julien leave Adelaide. Car will be loaded and packed on Saturday the 7th.  Drive from Adelaide Uni to Lyndhurst, SA (6.5 hours).
Activities: on-road driving.
Possible hazards: kangaroos/cattle on the road.
Day 2: Monday 9th September 2013
Driving to field site from Lyndhurst to Umberatana along the Strzelecki Track.  Walking along creeks and examining rock exposures.  Drive from Umberatana to Arkaroola- Spend night at Arkaroola. 
Activities: 4WD driving on dirt tracks, bush walking.
Possible hazards: Kangaroos/cattle on the unsealed road, water in river channels crossing the road, snakes/spiders in the bush, dehydration, sunstroke.
Day 3: Tuesday 10th September 2013
Drive from Umberatana Station to Gammon Ranges National Park.  Hike Bunyip Gorge trail/creek. Stay night near Grindells hut or Weetootla campground. 
Activities: 4WD driving on dirt tracks, bush walking
Possible hazards: Kangaroos/cattle on the unsealed road, water in river channels crossing the road, snakes/spiders in the bush, dehydration, sunstroke.
Day 4: Wednesday 11th September 2013
Drive from Gammon Ranges National Park to Mt Frome area.  Hike north from Black Oak bore for 2-3 kilometers.  Drive to night lodging at Wirrealpa Station.
Activities: On-road driving, 4WD driving on dirt tracks, bush walking.
Possible hazards: Kangaroos/cattle on the unsealed road, water in river channels crossing the road, snakes/spiders in the bush, dehydration, sunstroke.
Day 5: Thursday 12th September 2013
Drive from Wirrealpa Station to Wilkawillina Gorge.  Hike down Ten Mile Creek.  Drive to Wilpena Pound for night lodging.  
Activities: On-road driving, 4WD driving on dirt tracks, bush walking.
Possible hazards: Kangaroos/cattle on the unsealed road, water in river channels crossing the road, snakes/spiders in the bush, dehydration, sunstroke.
Day 6: Friday 13h September 2013
Leave field area, driving back from Wilpena to Adelaide.
We will be in ASP Friday afternoon and will return equipment and vehicle, and will check in with department staff. 
Activities: On-road driving.
Possible hazards: Kangaroos/cattle on the road.

Caveat: all locations may not be visited if we decide to spend longer at the earlier locations.  Shelagh will be informed each day of our location and plan for the next day. 


Look on Google Earth or similar product to see some of these locations (Lyndhurst, South Australia / Arkaroola, South Australia / Mount Frome, South Australia).
To say that they are in the middle of no-where is a true understatement.

Everyone who reads this could certainly give a little prayer for "traveling mercies" for John and his group.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy Birthday - John W. Counts

Here are a few shots that look back a few years...
(September 05, 1981)
 John at Notre Dame Cathedral - 1994

Trying to catch some fish bait - about 1984

Helping with little Rebecca Erin in Bibb County, AL about 1985

Looking for skinks and lizards in Camden, AL - about 1982

Paris - 1994

A box and a teddy bear - that is about all you needed for fun 1983

Hiking with Mum & Dad in Wilcox County, AL - 1982

Auburn Weekend

Auburn had it's first ballgame of the season on August 31.  Here are a couple of photos of the weekend.

Above is during the game.  Auburn won it's first game of the 2013-14 season.

The 2 photos above were made before and after the game - there was almost a full stadium - with a few empty seats in the corners of the upper deck.